The Bible tells us to pay closer attention to Jesus Christ and the salvation that He brings. We should not take this lightly because there is always a danger of drifting away from God. Thankfully, we have many reasons to remember Jesus Christ. This podcast considers the command, the warning, and the reminder found in Hebrews 2:1-4. AUDIO
A brief look at the first four verses of Hebrews. This introduction sets the stage for the entire message of Hebrews, and for that reason, these four verses help us understand the entire book. LISTEN HERE
Never Fear But Believe – Matt. 14.22-33 Even in the storms of life, Jesus controls everything and saves His people. Even in the storms of life, we should never doubt Jesus Christ.
Christ Provides How Jesus Cares (14:13-14) How We Should Respond (14:15-18) How Jesus Provides (14:19-21)
I am a huge proponent of incorporating technology into the local church. It deserves to be said, however, that when it comes to technology in the local church, we need to think through our options. Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean that we should. On a practical level, one instance of this is the recent increase of multiple video screens (usually in larger churches) and the rise of satellite churches (which incorporate sermons via a video feed). After nearly 2000 years of church ministry, only in the past decade or two has this technology been an option. In…
Over the past two weeks, I wrote and recorded two new songs — “Tonight” and “Brand New.” Be sure to check them out. Both are available for $1 at