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This short film depicts the power of hope in the midst of difficulty.  Hope does not depend upon our surroundings, but looks ahead, in confidence, to the beauty that is coming.  Far too often, we give up too early and forget what is ahead. As believers, we have vibrant, dynamic, and active hope in Jesus Christ.  Not only did our faith begin with an empty tomb, but we toward to His return — and His beauty that will far surpass our current surroundings.  It is this hope that enables us to be joyful when everything else seems bleak.  Ultimately, our…

Missions Hymn: Hark, The Voice of Jesus Calling

Hark, the voice of Jesus calling, “Who will go and work today? Fields are white and harvests waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away?” Loud and long the master calls you; Rich reward he offers free. Who will answer, gladly saying, “Here am I. Send me, send me”? If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus; You can say he died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment’s dread alarms, You can lead the little children To the Savior’s waiting arms. If you cannot be…

What is a Hymn?

A friend recently asked me to explain what a hymn is, and it is a great question. Here are a few observations. Feel free to comment and add any of your own. 1. A hymn is not determined by when it was written. The date is irrelevant. Many hymns are being written today — usually more modern in style and easier to sing. 2. Hymns often consist of a progression of lyrics, thus the need for multiple verses. (e.g., progressing from the incarnation to the consummation) 3. Hymns are generally more eloquent and theological, and for that reason, they appeal…

All of Creation – Psalm 19

Before God created music, He created the heavens and earth. Think about it for a moment. There are many styles of music, but we all share the oceans, the stars, the sun and moon. All over the world, we look at the same handiwork of God. Incredible! Psalm 19:1-2 tells us that the skies display the glory of God. David says that the world around us declares, proclaims, speaks, and displays truth about God. In other words, God’s creation speaks to all cultures, to every part of the globe — regardless of language or dialect. Everyone can see God’s glory…

WorshipGod Worship Conference (Sovereign Grace, 2008)

Very rarely do I post links to other websites, but this one is so beneficial, I couldn’t resist. If you are interested in worship or lead worship at your church, Sovereign Grace has graciously posted 37 audio sessions on their website at: Worship conferences usually cost several hundred dollars, so this is a blessing for those of us without such resources. Although I did not attend the conference, these audio sessions are the next best thing.

Worship: Responding to God’s Voice

Several weeks ago I wrote that art does not create truth, but “uncovers truth,” as an artist chisels away stone.  In other words, art discovers truth, but does not create it.  Whatever the form, it is important that art never gets so self-consumed that it loses sight of the original Source of Truth. On the other hand, maybe even “uncovering” is giving ourselves too much credit. My reason for second guessing myself is this A.W. Tozer quote from “Theology Set to Music”: Hymns do not create truth, nor even reveal it; they celebrate it. They are the response of the trusting heart to…