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Live BIG (Hebrews 5 & 6)

  What makes a person mature?  When it comes to our spirituality, of course, we shouldn’t act like babies, but become adults.  In this podcast, we explore what makes a mature Christian and how we can grow up.  In this study of Hebrews 5:11-6:20, we consider the four parts of this passage:  the diagnosis, the call, the warning, and the encouragement. AUDIO

Living Beyond the Natural

“God has made you a rational animal, set you over the cattle, formed you in his own image. Ought you to use your eyes as the cattle do, only to see what to add to your belly, not to your soul? Stir up the eye of reason, use your eyes as a human being should, consider the heaven and earth, the fruitfulness of the earth, the flight of the birds, the swimming of the fish, the goodness of the seeds; consider the works, and seek for the author. Believe in him you do not see because of these things that…